Soka believes in the eternity of life and the law of causality permeates birth and death, the moment of death represents an important transition.

Soka funeral services are held by Soka Gakkai members to help the deceased attain enlightenment.

Package Inclusive of:-
✓ Immediate response upon contact
✓ Transportation of Loved One
✓ Embalming & Make-Up
✓ Choice of no glass or half glass casket
✓ Funeral Setup
– Soka Funeral Decor
– General Lightings
– Fans
– Tables & Chairs
✓ Floral Arrangements
– Floral wreath to line photo frame
– Altar table top floral arrangement
✓ Wake Logistics
– Donation Record Book
– Donation Box
– Obituary Notice Display
– Mobile Toilet
– Fridge
– Drinks
– Snacks
✓ Pall Bearers
✓ Glass Hearse
✓ 2-Way Trip Air-Con Coach
✓ Booking of Cremation Slot
✓ Mandai Cremation Fees
✓ Ash Collection Guidance & Assistance
✓ Other post-funeral support


Get in touch with our Funeral Director @ 9009 9234 (24/7 service) for more information and

Enshrine Services commits to deliver dignified funeral services to your dearly departure that caters to every family’s needs and concerns. A trusted one stop funeral service provider with pricing transparency, full guidance and advice

Our Hours

  • 24 hours

74 Lor 6 Geylang, Singapore 399226

+65 90099234